Meet Our New Brand Ambassador: Madelyn Cline

Meet Our New Brand Ambassador: Madelyn Cline

We made it official! Madelyn Cline is the latest to join the Revlon family. You might know this bold beauty as the star of one of your fave tv shows. Her latest role? Revlon Global Brand Ambassador! To learn more about her, we sat down with our new BFF and got her take on how she lives boldly. Read on to get to know Madelyn in her own words. We think you’ll love her as much as we do.

What would you say living life boldly in today's world is?

Living boldly means fiercely loving yourself and being yourself absolutely, unapologetically, having no inhibitions, and letting go of “should.” Living fiercely for yourself.

If bold was a color, what would it be?

Red. Or any incredibly strong color that makes a statement. Like Wild Saffron!

How does the idea of inner boldness reflect in the outer?

We are our thoughts, so anything that you feel is going to reflect outwardly. That's always going to come out. So it's important to pay attention to yourself and look inside first.

When or by what are you most inspired?

I'm incredibly inspired by watching other artists express themselves freely. I'm also inspired just watching people in general. It’s so interesting. There's just this fascination with being human. I think that's really inspiring.

So what makes you smile the most?

Making people laugh! Joking around with friends, seeing my family, puppies. Good food, that first bite. Doing what I love. I love a good rainstorm and a good chili cheese dog, too!

If you have one piece of advice to give someone about this idea of emboldening themselves to life, what would it be?

You are not getting any younger. Cut anything out of your life that is not serving you. Do what you want. Be free. Make that choice, whatever it is.